Pre-development Consulting

Planning for Success

We help developers and architects make informed decisions about their site to facilitate their project objectives. From site selection on through design and construction – we’re with you every step of the way!

Engineering The Future

Malls are becoming a thing of the past. Green technology is no longer optional. Planning for climate migration has moved from long range to “here it comes!” The recipe for master planned communities is changing too. The real estate world and land use codes are constantly evolving.  Watkinson Engineering is ready to navigate the changing landscape and help optimize the function and value of your project now and for years to come. 

civil engineering sketch into reality illustration

Turning Ideas Into Reality

Whether your project is a residential, commercial or industrial development, Watkinson Engineering draws from years of practical experience and offers a full suite of pre-development services to help move your project forward. Our Pre-development Services include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Site planning
  • Land use and entitlement support
  • Plats and subdivisions
  • State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
  • Offsite mitigation
  • Existing site assessment
  • Utility master plans
  • Stormwater planning 
  • Design exceptions, variances and appeals

Smart Solutions Begin With Proper Planning

We help you create functional projects from the ground up, or rather down, and it can start before you even send an LOI. Watkinson Engineering evaluates your development opportunity to identify civil-related site information and constraints, facilitating better decisions and solutions.

Due Diligence

Due Diligence

Investing in due diligence in the early stages of a real estate development project is standard. Through preliminary site assessments and feasibility reports, we’ll work with you and your design team to track down the critical site limitations and allowances to help make informed decisions on next steps. 

Master Planning

Master Planning

Watkinson Engineering has the civil expertise and energetic approach your team needs to produce a comprehensive master plan. From utility and stormwater planning to land use and pedestrian circulation, our experience in these areas is comprehensive.

pre development consulting arieal view of city along the water 3d render

Comprehensive Site Assessment Report

Customized for your Site

Watkinson Engineering can examine the feasibility of your project – whether residential, commercial, industrial, or mixed-use – and provide a detailed and comprehensive assessment report for you and your stakeholders.

sample assessment report